云雨春心是由罗德·泰勒领衔主演美国喜剧片电影,于1963年上映,该片讲述了Eileen is 22 and is smarting from her breakup with Russ. She comes to New York to visit her brother, Adam, who is an airline pilot. Eileen confides to her brother that she thinks she may be the only 22 year old virgin left in the world. Adam assures her that sex is not what all men look for and insists he hasn't slept around. Of course, Adam is lying and is in hot pursuit of a ...该片综合评分为1.0,影片的剧情相对平淡,视觉效果也不够突出,但角色之间的互动带来了些许轻松的趣味,增添了一些观影亮点。