摩苏尔是由Ali Mula领衔主演美国纪录片纪录片,于2019年上映,该片讲述了In the fall of 2016, an army of over 100,000 Iraqi soldiers and militiamen mobilize to liberate Mosul, Iraq's second largest city, from the clutches of the Islamic State. Ali Mula, an Iraqi journalist, joins this army of uneasy allies--including Sunnis, Shiites, Christians and Kurds--to find out if they can put aside their sectarian differences and finally free their country fr...该片综合评分为3.0,影片的剧情相对平淡,视觉效果也不够突出,但角色之间的互动带来了些许轻松的趣味,增添了一些观影亮点。